I was asked by Nian Fish Productions to concept an idea that walls -- any architecture that a model walks in tandem with -- can be interactive to the body and integral to the show is what I set out to research. Here are a few ideas:
With a set perhaps such as this -- with a "wall" or cylinder in the middle of the set -- or with models walking along a wall around the perimeter of a show wall
What would be an effective and beautiful way to capture a model's walk? What would be a poetic visual to have a model "wipe" away the set to a reveal?
In addition, a model walking by can reveal an image underneath:
As the model passes by, with the use of a HoloMirage screen, an inner set, narrative, world can be revealed. The HoloMirage is a transparent rear projection screen that captures light to resemble a hologram. This concept can display actors moving inside of an interior set, a video screen with interior animations or other image moving.
Presented by HoloDisplays of California.
In addition, a model walking by a pattern, a design of numbers or characters, can create an experience:
Using background subtraction and a depth camera, passing by a solid image -- the model can create a wave or move a piece of cloth to create an ethereal visual:
With projection mapping, and a HoloMirage display, this cloth effect can make some pretty interesting effects: